The end of the world is near—December 21, 2012, to be exact—according to theories based on a purported ancient Maya prediction and fanned by the marketing machine behind the-released 2012 movie. But could humankind really meet its end in 2012—drowned in apocalyptic floods, walloped by a secret planet, seared by an angry sun, or thrown overboard by speeding continents?
And did the ancient Maya—whose empire peaked between A.D. 250 and 900 in what is now Mexico and Central America—really predict the end of the world in 2012?
2012 MYTH 1
Maya Predicted End of the World in 2012
The Maya calendar doesn't end in 2012, as some have said, and the ancients never viewed that year as the time of the end of the world, archaeologists say.
But December 21, 2012, (give or take a day) was nonetheless momentous to the MayaRead More
There are lots of theories behind what will happen on December 21st 2012. We of course have ideas that the Earth will have its 25,000 year cycle of a Polar Shift causing catestrophic global weather changes, a meteor will hit the Earth causing a similar situation to what is believed to have happened to the dinosaurs, we'll all go through a new phase in our awakening as a species and reach higher levels of awareness, we have the most popular Nibiru theory of course in which either the planet/star will cause the Polar Shift or the Annunaki will return. With many theories out there its hard to decide which one is true. This is just a short video which shows what would happen if a meteor hit.
Watch This Video to see how the World is going to End in 2012..