DO NOT WANT- The Final (2010)

Here's a story about a bunch of high school losers that are tired of getting picked on by the cool kids, so they decide to throw a party to get some good old fashioned torture-revenge on them.

At the point when, in an attempt to be quirky or reverent, one of the killers sits down and starts playing the banjo while another of them tortures one of their captives , I nearly threw my TV out of the window. It was bad enough that what had come in the 45 minutes before that point was poorly written, poorly acted, and just plain sucky, but a character sitting and merrily play the banjo while they ripped off the acupuncture scene from Audition was just painful to watch.

It starts off lame, gets lamer, get frustrating, moves into ridiculous territory, and about halfway through it becomes obvious that there wasn't a bit or thought that went into the writing of or the production of this movie. Maybe if they had a few actors with experience or a better script, it would have been tolerable instead of cringe inducing. The psychopathic geeks even try to kill the one cool kid who stuck up for them and was nice to them... he even got in a fight for their honor, and yet they decide he's quickly expendable too. At least he survives. He was the only one in the movie that didn't suck.

The characters in this movie were so one dimensional and cliche that it's laughable. Now, I don't want to blame the actors for dropping the ball here (which I think they did), because maybe the director wanted them to over act and suck, but most of the performances were just bad. For example, I actually watched the scenes that involved the "cool girls" with my face in my palm for the most part, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing...

"I'm not going to the party, I like, don't feel good and stuff."
"You have to go. All you need is some alcohol and some sex!"
"Fuck yeah bitch! Woo, party!"
"We're so hot!"
"You know it bitch!"

I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty close to how one scene went down. Really.

I'm not even going to get into the fact that the movie seemed to glorify outcast school kids killing their classmates because they feel so alone and wronged, but in the wake of real life incidents like that in U.S. schools over the past decade or so, it just seems in poor taste to me. It's all just so cliche and cheesy... the kids parents all either neglect, ignore, or fail to connect with their children which prompts them to withdraw into their own dark loneliness and hatch a violent revenge plan... I'm sure the filmmakers made this movie as a cautionary tale, but to me it came off more as a "Yeah, kill the cool kids!" thing, which just felt wrong.

Plenty of other horror sites gave this one a good/decent review, and I just don't get it, as it's the weakest of this years AD Horrorfest lineup. Maybe I'm getting it wrong, but I can't recommend you do anything but avoid this one.
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