Manic Monday: Egg

Morgan selected egg as the Manic Monday meme word this week. Of course, I imagine most folks are going with the traditional tie-in of Easter eggs. I imagine someone will tell us the origin of Easter egg hunts and that big bunny rabbit. Seems out of step with the whole crucifixion and resurrection storyline from the Bible. Anyhow, I'm going in a different direction. Did you know that there are a shortage of African American egg donors?

Not the Easter egg variety ... more like the fertility vs. infertility variety. At many donor egg agencies, infertile couples looking for African American egg donors are often encouraged to place themselves on waiting lists and to sign up at more than one egg donor program. The emotional challenge of dealing with infertility must be rough from the start ... so the dearth of African American egg donors must truly try the patience of aspiring African American parents in need of this service.

Turns out that there is a company called F. Williams Donor Egg Services that specializes in African American egg donors. I'm told that they have over 30 smart, attractive donors in their database. This company helps Black couples find racially diverse egg donors so that they might end up with a baby in their arms. And, after all ... as those of us that are parents can attest ... the joy of having children is worth any investment of time or money.

Finally, since I know how some villagers are curious --> click here to learn how you can become an egg donor!

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