Jason Statham is a 50/50 kind of actor; half the time, he's in awesome movies that get my blood going, and half the time he's in shit movies that get my nap time going. We've listed a few of his worst in the blurb above. Thankfully, Blitz isn't just a cool movie, it's a movie that let's Jason Statham do what he does best... act like a bad ass and hurt people that really deserve some pain.
Blitz is the story of... well, a serial killer named "Blitz." Kind of a lame name for a serial killer, we know, but he's British, so his idea of cool is off to begin with. Anywho, Blitz (short for Blitzkreig, which is even lamer) is running around England doing in coppers that have done him wrong throughout his life, and in very nasty ways. Also, he seems to have a good sense of humor, which is always a plus.
Statham plays a burnt out, by-his-own-rules, tough as nails, wise cracking cop, who dispenses his own brand of justice with his fists! He's hot on the trail of Blitz, and he has help from a Gay inspector played by Paddy Consadine, who as it turns out is also tough as nails, in addition to being quite the interior decorator.
Sure, all of those cliches about cops and gays sound a bit generic, but I'm just telling you what the movie's about. Plus, cliches can be fun. Especially gay cliches.

Blitz is just a cool flick. If you like British cop thrillers, serial killer flicks, gay cops, or karate, you can't not love this movie... well, you can, but it really is a fun flick, so don't be so closed minded. Statham is Statham, and in this one, that is a very good thing. He looks like he feels comfy in hid role in Blitz, just kicking ass and acting all tough and what have you. Add to the mix three of England's/Ireland's best actors -Paddy Consadine, David Morrissey, and Aidan Gillen- and you have a movie filled with grisly death and great scenes played by great actors. Don't get me wrong, it's a simple movie filled with a lot of simple things, but that doesn't mean the boys don't bring the goods.
Aidan Gillen is our stand out fave in this one. Many say he over-acts, but we do not agree with that simplistic, haterade fueled assessment of his talent. Here, he's just grimy and creepy, and his character feels very reminiscent of "the Scorpio Killer" from Dirty Harry; an ordinary guy who just so happens to be a nut job. We've said it before and we'll say it again, if Gillen at some point doesn't play a Bond villain, someone's asleep at the "Awesome Bond Villain" wheel.

Final Thoughts- Christina Cole is in this, though barely credited.