Police had received a report about a man near the accident scene who was acting strangely. An officer determined that Green was experiencing some type of difficulty.
The first officer on the scene called for back-up. The back-up arrived and the police officers thought that Green was acting strangely. Instead of helping the unarmed and nonviolent man who had just survived a crash with a pole ... the police used a Taser to subdue him.
Another officer arrived and used ankle cuffs to try to restrain Green, who was able to break them almost immediately, police said.
Then Green became unresponsive and the officers called for an ambulance.

District Attorney Abel Reyna said officers followed department policy, procedure and state law in their attempts to subdue Green. The decision not to indict in the incident ends the investigation.
This appears to be another situation in which an unarmed and nonviolent man was killed by taser-happy police ... with no consequences to the ones who did the killing. The city of Waco should be ashamed.