40 Illegal Indian Workers Held In UK

The British immigration authorities have arrested 40 Indian workers, found to be working illegally in the city of Leicester. They would now be deported back to India, the officials said on Wednesday.

Termed as one of the largest operations of its kind, the UK Border Agency had carried out raids at 12 textile businesses in Leicester on Tuesday and pulled out 40 Indian workers. They were found to have entered the UK illegally.

The law binds employers to carry out pre-employment checks on people they intend to hire, but many allegedly turn a blind eye as workers with questionable immigration status come cheap.

Britain's Immigration minister Damian Green described the raids as one of the largest in the area.

"This operation is one of the largest we have conducted in the Midlands and reinforces our determination to identify and remove more people with no legal right to work in this country," Green said.
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